Unit test a contract in Rust#

This guide will show you how to write unit tests for a smart contract written in Rust. For testing a smart contract Wasm module, see Locally simulate contract functions.

A smart contract in Rust is written as a library and you can unit test it like a library by annotating functions with a #[test] attribute.

// contract code

mod test {

    fn some_test() { ... }

    fn another_test() { ... }

Running the test can be done using cargo:

$cargo test

By default, this command compiles the contract and tests to machine code for your local target (most likely x86_64), and runs them. This kind of testing can be useful in initial development and for testing functional correctness. For comprehensive testing, it is important to involve the target platform, i.e., Wasm32. There are a number of subtle differences between platforms, which can change the behaviour of a contract. One difference is regarding the size of pointers, where Wasm32 uses four bytes as opposed to eight, which is common for most platforms.

Writing unit tests#

Unit tests typically follow a three-part structure in which you: set up some state, run some unit of code, and make assertions about the state and output of the code.

If the contract functions are written using #[init(..)] or #[receive(..)], you can test these functions directly in the unit test.

use concordium_std::*;

#[init(contract = "my_contract", payable, enable_logger)]
fn contract_init(
   ctx: &impl HasInitContext<()>,
   amount: Amount,
   logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
) -> InitResult<State> { ... }

#[receive(contract = "my_contract", name = "my_receive", payable, enable_logger)]
fn contract_receive<A: HasActions>(
   ctx: &impl HasReceiveContext<()>,
   amount: Amount,
   logger: &mut impl HasLogger,
   state: &mut State,
) -> ReceiveResult<A> { ... }

Testing stubs for the function arguments can be found in a submodule of concordium-std called test_infrastructure.

See also

For more information and examples see the crate documentation of concordium-std.

Running tests in Wasm#

Compiling the tests to native machine code is sufficient for most cases, but it is also possible to compile the tests to Wasm and run them using the exact interpreter that is used by the nodes. This makes the test environment closer to the run environment on-chain and could in some cases catch more bugs.

The development tool cargo-concordium includes a test runner for Wasm, which uses the same Wasm-interpreter as the one shipped in the Concordium nodes.

See also

For a guide of how to install cargo-concordium, see Install tools for development.

The unit test have to be annotated with #[concordium_test] instead of #[test], and #[concordium_cfg_test] is used instead of #[cfg(test)]:

// contract code

mod test {

    fn some_test() { ... }

    fn another_test() { ... }

The #[concordium_test] macro sets up our tests to be run in Wasm, when concordium-std is compiled with the wasm-test feature, and otherwise falls back to behave just like #[test], meaning it is still possible to run unit tests targeting native code using cargo test.

Similarly the macro #[concordium_cfg_test] includes our module when build concordium-std with wasm-test otherwise behaves like #[test], allowing us to control when to include tests in the build.

Tests can now be build and run using:

$cargo concordium test

This command compiles the tests for Wasm with the wasm-test feature enabled for concordium-std and uses the test runner from cargo-concordium.


Error messages from panic!, and therefore also the different variations of assert!, are not shown when compiling to Wasm.

Instead use fail! and the claim! variants to do assertions when testing, as these reports back the error messages to the test runner before failing the test. Both are part of concordium-std.

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