Run a validator node on macOS#

This guide describes how to set up the node to run as a validator node on a macOS node that participates in the Concordium network. A node receives blocks and transactions from other nodes and propagates information about blocks and transactions to the nodes in the Concordium network. In addition, a validator node also participates in the lottery and produces its own blocks.


  • Have the administrator password to your computer.

  • Install and run the node

  • If you want to run the node as a validator, you must have generated validator keys. How you generate validator keys depends on which wallet you are using. For an overview of the process, see Validators.

Configure a node as a validator#

Once you have generated validator keys, you then need to move the generated validator keys file to a location accessible by the node, and finally specify this location in the service file for the Concordium Node.


Validator credentials registered on mainnet will not work with a testnet node and vice versa.

  1. Move the validator-credentials.json file to the node’s config folder:

    $sudo cp "/path/to/mainnet/validator-credentials.json" "/Library/Application Support/Concordium Node/Mainnet/Config/validator-credentials.json"

    (replacing /path/to/mainnet/validator-credentials.json with the actual file path to your validator credentials for mainnet).

  2. Edit the service file as an administrator. The service file is found here: "/Library/Concordium Node/LaunchDaemons/software.concordium.mainnet.node.plist"

  3. Underneath the <dict> tag in the EnviromentVariables section of the file add the following:

    <!-- Path to the validator credentials file. -->
    <string>/Library/Application Support/Concordium Node/Mainnet/Config/validator-credentials.json</string>
  4. Restart your node by running Concordium Node Stop Mainnet (if running) and then Concordium Node Start Mainnnet.

  1. Move the validator-credentials.json file to the node’s config folder:

    $sudo cp "/path/to/testnet/validator-credentials.json" "/Library/Application Support/Concordium Node/Testnet/Config/validator-credentials.json"

    (replacing /path/to/testnet/validator-credentials.json with the actual file path to your validator credentials for testnet).

  2. Edit the service file as an administrator. The service file is found here: "/Library/Concordium Node/LaunchDaemons/software.concordium.testnet.node.plist"

  3. In the EnviromentVariables section of the file add the following:

    <!-- Path to the validator credentials file. -->
    <string>/Library/Application Support/Concordium Node/Testnet/Config/validator-credentials.json</string>
  4. Restart your node by running Concordium Node Stop Testnet (if running) and then Concordium Node Start Testnet.

In the wallets, a badge is added to the account associated with the validator node. The badge appears as soon as the transaction has been submitted. That is, before the two epochs have elapsed.

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