Verification instructions#

To find instructions on how to verify the integrity of the file you have downloaded, navigate to the respective section that outlines the steps needed for that specific file.

Concordium Desktop Wallet#



Verify checksum of download

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the download.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal.

  3. Verify that the output matches the second line in the block.

$sha256sum concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.AppImage

Verify download with signature

To verify that the downloaded file is an official Concordium release, you can verify that the file is signed by Concordium. To do this, you need a signature of the release and a public key.

With the signature, the public key, and the downloaded file all in the same directory, execute the following steps to verify that the file has been signed by Concordium.

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the assets needed to verify.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal

  3. The command outputs Signature Verified Successfully as a result, as inidicated by the second line in the block.

$openssl pkeyutl -verify -pubin -inkey concordium-desktop-wallet-pubkey.pem -rawin -in concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.AppImage -sigfile concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.AppImage.sig
Signature Verified Successfully

Note that this only works for openssl version 3.0.0 and up.

Debian package#

Verify checksum of download

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the download.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal.

  3. Verify that the output matches the second line in the block.

$sha256sum concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.deb

Verify download with signature

To verify that the downloaded file is an official Concordium release, you can verify that the file is signed by Concordium. To do this, you need a signature of the release and a public key.

With the signature, the public key, and the downloaded file all in the same directory, execute the following steps to verify that the file has been signed by Concordium.

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the assets needed to verify.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal

  3. The command outputs Signature Verified Successfully as a result, as inidicated by the second line in the block.

$openssl pkeyutl -verify -pubin -inkey concordium-desktop-wallet-pubkey.pem -rawin -in concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.deb -sigfile concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.deb.sig
Signature Verified Successfully

Note that this only works for openssl version 3.0.0 and up.


Verify checksum of download

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the download.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal.

  3. Verify that the output matches the second line in the block.

$sha256sum concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.rpm

Verify download with signature

To verify that the downloaded file is an official Concordium release, you can verify that the file is signed by Concordium. To do this, you need a signature of the release and a public key.

With the signature, the public key, and the downloaded file all in the same directory, execute the following steps to verify that the file has been signed by Concordium.

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the assets needed to verify.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal

  3. The command outputs Signature Verified Successfully as a result, as inidicated by the second line in the block.

$openssl pkeyutl -verify -pubin -inkey concordium-desktop-wallet-pubkey.pem -rawin -in concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.rpm -sigfile concordium-desktop-wallet-1.7.4.rpm.sig
Signature Verified Successfully

Note that this only works for openssl version 3.0.0 and up.

Automatic updates#

When the desktop wallet updates itself, it performs the necessary steps to verify both the checksum and signature of the downloaded update. If verification is unsuccessful, the update is rejected.

Concordium Client#


Verify checksum of download

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the download.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal.

  3. Verify that the output matches the second line in the block.

$sha256sum concordium-client_6.3.0-1

Cargo Concordium#


Verify checksum of download

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the download.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal.

  3. Verify that the output matches the second line in the block.

$sha256sum cargo-concordium_2.8.0

Node Debian package#

Verify checksum of download

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the download.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal.

  3. Verify that the output matches the second line in the block.

$sha256sum concordium-mainnet-node_6.3.1-0_amd64.deb

Mainnet genesis block#

Verify checksum of download

In a terminal:

  1. Navigate to the download.

  2. Then paste the first line of the following block into the terminal.

  3. Verify that the output matches the second line in the block.


$Get-FileHash genesis.dat -Algorithm SHA256


$shasum -a 256 genesis.dat


$sha256sum genesis.dat
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