Build a contract schema#

This guide will show you how to build a smart contract schema, how to export it to a file, and/or embed the schema into the smart contract module, all using cargo-concordium.


First, ensure you have cargo-concordium installed and if not the guide Install tools for development will help you.

You also need the Rust source code of the smart contract you wish to build a schema for.

Setup the contract for a schema#

In order to build a contract schema, you first have to prepare your smart contract for building the schema.

You can choose which parts of our smart contract to included in the schema. The options are to include a schema for the contract state, and/or for each of the parameters of init and receive functions.

Every type you want to include in the schema must implement the SchemaType trait. This is already done for all base types and some other types (see list of types implementing the SchemaType). For most other cases, it can also be achieved automatically, using #[derive(SchemaType)]:

struct SomeType {

Implementing the SchemaType trait manually only requires specifying one function, which is a getter for a schema::Type, which essentially describes how this type is represented as bytes and how to represent it.

Including contract state#

To generate and include the schema for the contract state, annotate the type with the #[contract_state(contract = ...)] macro:

#[contract_state(contract = "my_contract")]
struct MyState {

Or even simpler if the contract state is of a type that already implements SchemaType, e.g., u32:

#[contract_state(contract = "my_contract")]
type State = u32;

Including function parameters#

To generate and include the schema for parameters for init and receive functions, set the optional parameter attribute for the #[init(..)]- and #[receive(..)]-macro:

enum InitParameter { ... }

enum ReceiveParameter { ... }

#[init(contract = "my_contract", parameter = "InitParameter")]
fn contract_init<...> (...){ ... }

#[receive(contract = "my_contract", name = "my_receive", parameter = "ReceiveParameter")]
fn contract_receive<...> (...){ ... }

Building the schema#

Now, you are ready to build the actual schema using cargo-concordium, and you have the options to embed the schema and/or write the schema to a file.

See also

For more on which to choose see here.

Embedding the schema#

In order to embed the schema into the smart contract module, add --schema-embed to the build command

$cargo concordium build --schema-embed

If successful the output of the command will tell you the total size of the schema in bytes.

Outputting a schema file#

To output the schema into a file, use the --schema-out=FILE where FILE is a path of the file to create:

$cargo concordium build --schema-out="/some/path/schema.bin"
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