Type alias ContractInvokeMetadata

ContractInvokeMetadata: {
    amount?: CcdAmount.Type;
    energy?: Energy.Type;
    invoker?: ContractAddress.Type | AccountAddress.Type;

Metadata necessary for invocating a smart contract.

Type declaration

  • Optional amount?: CcdAmount.Type

    Amount to include in the transaction. Defaults to 0

  • Optional energy?: Energy.Type

    Max energy to be used for the transaction, if not provided the max energy is used.

  • Optional invoker?: ContractAddress.Type | AccountAddress.Type

    Invoker of the contract. If this is not supplied then the contract will be invoked by an account with address 0, no credentials and sufficient amount of CCD to cover the transfer amount. If given, the relevant address (either account or contract) must exist in the blockstate.

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