Interface ConsensusStatusV0

Consensus status used for protocol version 1-5



bestBlock: BlockHash

Hash of the current best block

bestBlockHeight: bigint

Absolute height of the best block

blockArriveLatencyEMA: number

Exponential moving average latency between a block's slot time and its arrival.

blockArriveLatencyEMSD: number

Standard deviation of exponential moving average latency between a block's slot time and its arrival.

blockArrivePeriodEMA?: number

Exponential moving average time between block arrivals.

blockArrivePeriodEMSD?: number

Standard deviation of exponential moving average time between block arrivals.

blockLastArrivedTime?: Date

The last time a block was verified (added to the tree).

blockLastReceivedTime?: Date

The last time a block was received.

blockReceiveLatencyEMA: number

Exponential moving average latency between a block's slot time and received time.

blockReceiveLatencyEMSD: number

Standard deviation of exponential moving average latency between a block's slot time and received time.

blockReceivePeriodEMA?: number

Exponential moving average time between receiving blocks.

blockReceivePeriodEMSD?: number

Standard deviation of exponential moving average time between receiving blocks.

blocksReceivedCount: bigint

Total number of blocks received

blocksVerifiedCount: bigint

Total number of blocks received and verified

currentEraGenesisBlock: BlockHash

Hash of the genesis block of the current era, i.e. since the last protocol update.

currentEraGenesisTime: Date

Time when the current era started.

epochDuration: Duration

Current epoch duration, in milliseconds

finalizationCount: bigint

Number of finalizations

finalizationPeriodEMA?: number

Exponential moving average time between finalizations.

finalizationPeriodEMSD?: number

Standard deviation of exponential moving average time between finalizations.

genesisBlock: BlockHash

Hash of the initial genesis block

genesisIndex: number

The number of chain restarts via a protocol update. A completed protocol update instruction might not change the protocol version specified in the previous field, but it always increments the genesis index.

genesisTime: Date

Time of the (original) genesis block.

lastFinalizedBlock: BlockHash

Hash of the last finalized block

lastFinalizedBlockHeight: bigint

Absolute height of the last finalized block

lastFinalizedTime?: Date

Time of last verified finalization.

protocolVersion: bigint

Currently active protocol version.

slotDuration: Duration

(Current) slot duration in milliseconds

transactionsPerBlockEMA: number

Exponential moving average number of transactions per block.

transactionsPerBlockEMSD: number

Standard deviation of exponential moving average number of transactions per block.

version: 0

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