GRPCv1 to GRPCv2 Migration Guide


Blockhash inputs are now optional, and if given must be given as a hex encoded string. If the blockhash is not given the function will use the last final block.


The getBlockSummary endpoint has been split up in the following endpoints:

  • getBlockChainParameters
  • getBlockSpecialEvents
  • getBlockFinalizationSummary
  • getBlockTransactionEvents
  • getBlockPendingUpdates
  • getNextUpdateSequenceNumbers

To access the chain parameters, use the getBlockChainParameters endpoint, which corresponds to the blockSummary.updates.chainParameters field, except that the foundationAccountIndex field is no longer present, instead the foundationAccount field is present and contains the account address of the foundation account instead of the account index, Note that this also contains the blockSummary.updates.keys field.

To access any pending updates at the time of the block, use the getBlockPendingUpdates endpoint, which corresponds to the blockSummary.updates.updateQueues.*.queue fields. Note that this endpoint now returns a stream of the pending updates in block.

To access the next sequence number for any updates, use the getNextUpdateSequenceNumbers endpoint, which corresponds to blockSummary.updates.updateQueues.*.nextSequenceNumber fields.

To access the special events from the block, use the 'getBlockSpecialEvents', which corresponds to the blockSummary.specialEvents field. Note that this endpoint now returns a stream of the special events in the block.

To access the finalization data, which was previously found in the blockSummary.finalizationData field, use the getBlockFinalizationSummary endpoints. Note that the structure of the data has been changed, both how it is wrapped and the field names.

To access the events generated from the transactions in the block, use the getBlockTransactionEvents endpoint. This replaces the blockSummary.transactionSummaries, but note that structure is different.


The getPoolStatus endpoint has been split up into two separate endpoints.

For the status and information on a specific baker pool, use the getPoolInfo endpoint. for information on passive delegators, use the getPassiveDelegationInfo endpoint.


The getRewardStatus endpoint has been renamed to getTokenomicsInfo.

The response has the same structure.


The getTransactionStatus has been replaced with the getBlockItemStatus.

The GetBlockItemStatus endpoints has the same information, but has a simpler structure, with better typing.


Returns a stream of identity providers instead of a list.


Returns a stream of anonymity revokers instead of a list.


Returns a stream of BakerIds instead of a list.

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