Enumeration CooldownStatus

The status of a cooldown. When stake is removed from a baker or delegator (from protocol version 7) it first enters the pre-pre-cooldown state. The next time the stake snaphot is taken (at the epoch transition before a payday) it enters the pre-cooldown state. At the subsequent payday, it enters the cooldown state. At the payday after the end of the cooldown period, the stake is finally released.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

Cooldown: 0

The amount is in cooldown and will expire at the specified time, becoming available at the subsequent pay day.

PreCooldown: 1

The amount will enter cooldown at the next pay day. The specified end time is projected to be the end of the cooldown period, but the actual end time will be determined at the payday, and may be different if the global cooldown period changes.

PrePreCooldown: 2

The amount will enter pre-cooldown at the next snapshot epoch (i.e. the epoch transition before a pay day transition). As with pre-cooldown, the specified end time is projected, but the actual end time will be determined later.

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