Namespace Concordium.Grpc.V2
- AbsoluteBlockHeight
The absolute height of a block. This is the number of ancestors of a block since the genesis block. In particular, the chain genesis block has absolute height 0.
- AccessStructure
An access structure which specifies which UpdatePublicKeys in a HigherLevelKeys that are allowed to make chain update of a specific type. The threshold defines the minimum number of allowed keys needed to make the actual update.
- AccountAddress
An address of an account. Always 32 bytes.
- AccountCreationDetails
Details of an account creation. These transactions are free, and we only ever get a response for them if the account is created, hence no failure cases.
- AccountCredential
Credential that is part of an account.
- AccountIdentifierInput
Input to queries which take an account as a parameter.
- AccountIndex
Index of the account in the account table. These are assigned sequentially in the order of creation of accounts. The first account has index 0.
- AccountInfo
Information about the account at a particular point in time.
- AccountInfoRequest
Request for account information.
- AccountSignatureMap
Wrapper for a map from indexes to signatures. Needed because protobuf doesn't allow nested maps directly. The keys in the SignatureMap must not exceed 2^8.
- AccountStakingInfo
Information about the account stake, if the account is either a baker or a delegator.
- AccountStakingInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the AccountStakingInfo message type.
- AccountThreshold
The number of credentials required to sign an account transaction.
- AccountTransaction
Account transactions are messages which are signed and paid for by the sender account.
- AccountTransactionDetails
Details about an account transaction.
- AccountTransactionEffects
Effects of an account transaction. All variants except
correspond to a unique transaction that was successful.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types
Container for nested types declared in the AccountTransactionEffects message type.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.AccountTransfer
A simple account to account transfer occurred. This is the result of a successful Transfer transaction.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.BakerConfigured
A baker was configured. The details of what happened are contained in the list of BakerEvents.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.BakerStakeUpdated
An account was deregistered as a baker. This is the result of a successful UpdateBakerStake transaction.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.ContractUpdateIssued
A contract update transaction was issued and produced the given trace. This is the result of Update transaction.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.CredentialsUpdated
Account's credentials were updated. This is the result of a successful UpdateCredentials transaction.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.DelegationConfigured
An account configured delegation. The details of what happened are contained in the list of DelegationEvents.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.EncryptedAmountTransferred
An encrypted amount was transferred. This is the result of a successful EncryptedAmountTransfer transaction.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.None
No effects other than payment from this transaction. The rejection reason indicates why the transaction failed.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.TransferredToPublic
An account transferred part of its encrypted balance to its public balance. This is the result of a successful TransferToPublic transaction.
- AccountTransactionEffects.Types.TransferredWithSchedule
A transfer with schedule was performed. This is the result of a successful TransferWithSchedule transaction.
- AccountTransactionHeader
Header of an account transaction that contains basic data to check whether the sender and the transaction are valid. The header is shared by all transaction types.
- AccountTransactionPayload
The payload for an account transaction.
- AccountTransactionSignHash
Signature on an account transaction is defined to be the signature on the hash of the
- AccountVerifyKey
A public key used to verify transaction signatures from an account.
- Address
An address of either a contract or an account.
- Amount
An amount of microCCD.
- AmountFraction
A fraction of an amount with a precision of
- AncestorsRequest
Request the ancestors for the given block.
- ArInfo
Information on a single anonymity revoker help by the identity provider. Typically an identity provider will hold more than one.
- ArInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the ArInfo message type.
- ArInfo.Types.ArIdentity
Identity of the anonymity revoker on the chain. This defines their evaluateion point for secret sharing, and thus it cannot be 0.
- ArInfo.Types.ArPublicKey
Public key of an anonymity revoker.
- ArThreshold
The number of anonymity revokers needed to revoke anonymity of a credential holder.
- ArrivedBlockInfo
Information about an arrived block that is part of the streaming response.
- AuthorizationsV0
The set of keys authorized for chain updates, together with access structures determining which keys are authorized for which update types. This is the payload of an update to authorization.
- AuthorizationsV1
The set of keys authorized for chain updates, together with access structures determining which keys are authorized for which update types. This is the payload of an update to authorization.
- BakerAggregationVerifyKey
Baker's public key used to check signatures on finalization records. This is only used if the baker has sufficient stake to participate in finalization.
- BakerElectionVerifyKey
Baker's public key used to check whether they won the lottery or not.
- BakerEvent
Events that may result from the ConfigureBaker transaction.
- BakerEvent.Types
Container for nested types declared in the BakerEvent message type.
- BakerEvent.Types.BakerAdded
A baker was added.
- BakerEvent.Types.BakerSetBakingRewardCommission
Updated baking reward commission for baker pool
- BakerEvent.Types.BakerSetFinalizationRewardCommission
Updated finalization reward commission for baker pool
- BakerEvent.Types.BakerSetMetadataUrl
Updated metadata url for a baker pool.
- BakerEvent.Types.BakerSetOpenStatus
Updated open status for a baker pool.
- BakerEvent.Types.BakerSetTransactionFeeCommission
Updated transaction fee commission for a baker pool.
- BakerEvent.Types.BakerStakeIncreased
Baker stake increased.
- BakerEvent.Types.DelegationRemoved
Removed an existing delegator.
- BakerId
The ID of a baker, which is the index of its account.
- BakerInfo
Information about a baker.
- BakerKeysEvent
Result of a successful change of baker keys.
- BakerPoolInfo
Additional information about a baking pool. This information is added with the introduction of delegation.
- BakerRewardPeriodInfo
Information about a particular baker with respect to the current reward period.
- BakerSignatureVerifyKey
Baker's public key used to check that they are indeed the ones who produced the block.
- BakerStakeThreshold
Minimum stake needed to become a baker. This only applies to protocol version 1-3.
- BannedPeer
A banned peer
- BannedPeers
The banned peers given by their IP addresses.
- BlockCertificates
Certificates for a block for protocols supporting ConcordiumBFT.
- BlockFinalizationSummary
Finalization summary that may or may not be part of the block.
- BlockHash
Hash of a block. This is always 32 bytes long.
- BlockHashInput
Input to queries which take a block as a parameter.
- BlockHashInput.Types
Container for nested types declared in the BlockHashInput message type.
- BlockHashInput.Types.RelativeHeight
Request using a relative block height.
- BlockHeight
The height of a block relative to the last genesis. This differs from the absolute block height in that it counts height from the last protocol update.
- BlockInfo
The response for GetBlockInfo.
- BlockItemStatus
Status of a block item known to the node.
- BlockItemStatus.Types
Container for nested types declared in the BlockItemStatus message type.
- BlockItemSummary
Summary of the outcome of a block item in structured form. The summary determines which transaction type it was.
- BlockItemSummary.Types
Container for nested types declared in the BlockItemSummary message type.
- BlockItemSummaryInBlock
A block item summary together with a block hash. Used in BlockItemStatus.
- BlockSpecialEvent
A protocol generated event that is not directly caused by a transaction. This includes minting new CCD, rewarding different bakers and delegators, etc.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types
Container for nested types declared in the BlockSpecialEvent message type.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.AccountAmounts
A representation of a mapping from an account address to an amount.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.AccountAmounts.Types
Container for nested types declared in the AccountAmounts message type.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.AccountAmounts.Types.Entry
The entry for the map.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.BakingRewards
Payment to each baker of a previous epoch, in proportion to the number of blocks they contributed.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.BlockAccrueReward
Amounts accrued to accounts for each baked block.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.BlockReward
Disbursement of fees from a block between the GAS account, the baker, and the foundation. It should always be that:
transaction_fees + old_gas_account = new_gas_account + baker_reward + foundation_charge
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.FinalizationRewards
Payment to each finalizer on inclusion of a finalization record in a block.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.Mint
Minting of new CCD.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.PaydayAccountReward
Reward payment to the given account.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.PaydayFoundationReward
Foundation tax.
- BlockSpecialEvent.Types.PaydayPoolReward
Payment distributed to a pool or passive delegators.
- BlocksAtHeightRequest
Request for GetBlocksAtHeight.
- BlocksAtHeightRequest.Types
Container for nested types declared in the BlocksAtHeightRequest message type.
- BlocksAtHeightRequest.Types.Absolute
Request using an absolute block height.
- BlocksAtHeightRequest.Types.Relative
Request using a relative block height.
- BlocksAtHeightResponse
Response for GetBlocksAtHeight.
- Branch
Response type for GetBranches.
- CapitalBound
A bound on the relative share of the total staked capital that a baker can have as its stake. This is required to be greater than 0.
- ChainArData
Data relating to a single anonymity revoker sent by the account holder to the chain.
- ChainParameters
Chain parameters.
- ChainParametersV0
Updatable chain parameters that apply to protocol versions 1-3.
- ChainParametersV1
Updatable chain parameters that apply to protocol versions 4-5.
- ChainParametersV2
Updatable chain parameters that apply to protocol versions 6.
- CommissionRanges
Ranges of allowed commission values that pools may choose from.
- CommissionRates
Distribution of the rewards for the particular pool.
- Commitment
A single commitment in the G1 group of the BLS curve. This is always 48 bytes in length.
- ConsensusInfo
The response for GetConsensusInfo.
- ConsensusParametersV1
Parameters for the consensus protocol used from protocol version 6.
- ContractAddress
Address of a smart contract instance.
- ContractEvent
An event generated by a smart contract.
- ContractInitializedEvent
Data generated as part of initializing a single contract instance.
- ContractStateV0
A smart contract v0 state.
- ContractTraceElement
Effects produced by successful smart contract invocations. A single invocation will produce a sequence of these effects.
- ContractTraceElement.Types
Container for nested types declared in the ContractTraceElement message type.
- ContractTraceElement.Types.Interrupted
A contract was interrupted. This occurs when a contract invokes another contract or makes a transfer to an account.
- ContractTraceElement.Types.Resumed
A previously interrupted contract was resumed.
- ContractTraceElement.Types.Transferred
A contract transferred an amount to an account.
- ContractTraceElement.Types.Upgraded
A previously interrupted contract was resumed.
- Cooldown.Types
Container for nested types declared in the Cooldown message type.
- CredentialCommitments
Commitments that are part of a normal credential.
- CredentialDeployment
Credential deployments create new accounts. They are not paid for directly by the sender. Instead, bakers are rewarded by the protocol for including them.
- CredentialIndex
Index of a credential on an account.
- CredentialPublicKeys
Public keys of a single credential.
- CredentialRegistrationId
A registration ID of a credential, derived from the secret PRF key and a nonce. This is always 48 bytes long.
- CredentialsPerBlockLimit
The number of credential deployments allowed in a block. This in effect determines the number of accounts that can be created in a block.
- CryptographicParameters
The response for GetCryptographicParameters.
- DelegationEvent.Types
Container for nested types declared in the DelegationEvent message type.
- DelegationTarget
Entity to which the account delegates a portion of its stake.
- DelegatorId
The identifier for a delegator.
- DelegatorInfo
Stream item for GetPoolDelegators and GetPassiveDelegators.
- DelegatorRewardPeriodInfo
Stream item for GetPoolDelegatorsRewardPeriod and GetPassiveDelegatorsRewardPeriod.
- Description
Description either of an anonymity revoker or identity provider. Metadata that should be visible on the chain.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types
Container for nested types declared in the DryRunErrorResponse message type.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.AccountNotFound
The specified account was not found.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.AmountOverLimit
The amount that was requested to be minted would overflow the total supply.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.BalanceInsufficient
The sender account for the transaction has insufficient balance to pay the preliminary fees for the transaction to be included in a block.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.BlockNotFound
The requested block was not found, so its state could not be loaded.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.EnergyInsufficient
The energy made available for the transaction is insufficient to cover the basic processing required to include a transaction in a block.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.InstanceNotFound
The specified instance was not found.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.InvokeFailure
Invoking the smart contract instance failed.
- DryRunErrorResponse.Types.NoState
The current block state is undefined. It should be initialized with a 'load_block_state' request before any other operations.
- DryRunInvokeInstance
Invoke an entrypoint on a smart contract instance.
- DryRunMintToAccount
Mint a specified amount and credit it to the specified account as part of a dry run.
- DryRunRequest
An operation to dry run. The first operation in a dry-run sequence should be
: any other operation will be met withNoState
until a state is successfully loaded.
- DryRunResponse
A response to a
- DryRunSignature
A dry run signature is a pair of a credential index and key index, identifying the credential and key that is presumed to have signed the transaction. No actual cryptographic signature is included.
- DryRunStateOperation
An operation that can update the state as part of a dry run.
- DryRunStateQuery
Run a query as part of a dry run. Queries do not update the block state.
- DryRunSuccessResponse
The dry run operation completed successfully.
- DryRunSuccessResponse.Types
Container for nested types declared in the DryRunSuccessResponse message type.
- DryRunSuccessResponse.Types.BlockStateLoaded
The block state at the specified block was successfully loaded.
- DryRunSuccessResponse.Types.InvokeSuccess
The smart contract instance was invoked successfully.
- DryRunSuccessResponse.Types.MintedToAccount
The specified amount was minted to the specified account.
- DryRunSuccessResponse.Types.TimestampSet
The current apparent timestamp was updated to the specified value.
- DryRunSuccessResponse.Types.TransactionExecuted
The transaction was executed.
- DryRunTransaction
Dry run an account transaction
- DumpRequest
Request to enable dumping of network packages.
- Duration
A duration of milliseconds.
- DurationSeconds
A duration in seconds.
- ElectionDifficulty
Election difficulty parameter.
- ElectionInfo
Response type for GetElectionInfo. Contains information related to baker election for a perticular block.
- ElectionInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the ElectionInfo message type.
- Empty
A message that contains no information.
- EncryptedAmount
An encrypted amount, in two chunks in "little endian limbs". That is, the first chunk represents the low 32 bits of an amount, and the second chunk represents the high 32 bits. The chunks are serialized in order and represented as a byte array. Always 192 bytes.
- EncryptedAmountRemovedEvent
Event generated when one or more encrypted amounts are consumed from the account.
- EncryptionKey
An account encryption key. Always 96 bytes.
- Energy
Energy is used to count exact execution cost. This cost is then converted to CCD amounts.
- Epoch
A chain epoch.
- EpochFinalizationEntry
The epoch finalization entry is the proof that makes the protocol able to advance to a new epoch. I.e. the 'EpochFinalizationEntry' is present if and only if the block is the first block of a new 'Epoch'.
- EpochRequest
Input to queries which take an epoch as a parameter.
- EpochRequest.Types
Container for nested types declared in the EpochRequest message type.
- EpochRequest.Types.RelativeEpoch
Request an epoch by number at a given genesis index.
- ExchangeRate
Represents an exchange rate.
- FinalizationCommitteeParameters
Finalization committee parameters used from protocol version 6
- FinalizationIndex
Index of the finalization round. This increases on each successfully completed finalization.
- FinalizationSummary
Details about a finalization record included in a block.
- FinalizationSummaryParty
Details about a finalizer for the finalization round.
- FinalizedBlockInfo
Information about a finalized block that is part of the streaming response.
- FinalizerRound
The finalizer round is a map from a 'Round' to the list of finalizers (identified by their 'BakerId') that signed off the round.
- GasRewards
Distribution of gas rewards for chain parameters version 0 and 1.
- GasRewardsCpv2
Distribution of gas rewards for chain parameters version 2.
- GenesisIndex
The number of chain restarts via a protocol update. An effected protocol update instruction might not change the protocol version specified in the previous field, but it always increments the genesis index.
- GetPoolDelegatorsRequest
Request for GetPoolDelegators and GetPoolDelegatorsRewardPeriod.
- HigherLevelKeys
Represents root or level 1 keys.
- IdentityProviderIdentity
An index of the identity provider that identifies them uniquely in the context of a specific chain.
- InclusiveRangeAmountFraction
Inclusive range of amount fractions.
- InitContractPayload
Data required to initialize a new contract instance.
- InitName
The init name of a smart contract function. Expected format:
. It must only consist of atmost 100 ASCII alphanumeric or punctuation characters, must not contain a '.' and must start with 'init_'.
- InitialCredentialValues
Values contained in an initial credential.
- InstanceInfo
Information about a smart contract instance.
- InstanceInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the InstanceInfo message type.
- InstanceInfo.Types.V0
Version 0 smart contract instance information.
- InstanceInfo.Types.V1
Version 1 smart contract instance information.
- InstanceInfoRequest
Request for getting information about a smart contract instance.
- InstanceStateKVPair
A smart contract instance key-value pair.
- InstanceStateLookupRequest
Request for a specific key of a smart contract instance state.
- InstanceStateValueAtKey
Value at the requested key of a smart contract instance state. For V0 contracts this will always be the entire state of the contract.
- InstanceUpdatedEvent
Data generated as part of updating a single contract instance. In general a single Update transaction will generate one or more of these events, together with possibly some transfers.
- InvokeInstanceRequest
Request for InvokeInstance.
- InvokeInstanceResponse
Response type for InvokeInstance.
- InvokeInstanceResponse.Types
Container for nested types declared in the InvokeInstanceResponse message type.
- InvokeInstanceResponse.Types.Failure
Contract execution failed.
- InvokeInstanceResponse.Types.Success
Contract execution succeeded.
- IpAddress
A request to send a new block item to the chain. An IP address
- IpIdentity
A succinct identifier of an identity provider on the chain. In credential deployments, and other interactions with the chain this is used to identify which identity provider is meant.
- IpInfo
Public information about an identity provider.
- IpInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the IpInfo message type.
- IpInfo.Types.IpCdiVerifyKey
Ed25519 public key of the identity provider.
- IpInfo.Types.IpVerifyKey
Pointcheval-Sanders public key of the identity provider.
- IpSocketAddress
A socket address consisting of an IP + port.
- LeadershipElectionNonce
The leadership election nonce is an unpredictable value updated once an epoch to make sure that bakers cannot predict too far in the future when they will win the right to bake blocks.
- Level1Update
Level 1 updates are the intermediate update kind. They can update themselves or level 2 keys. They can only be performed by level 1 keys.
- LeverageFactor
A leverage factor.
- Memo
A memo which can be included as part of a transfer. Max size is 256 bytes.
- MintDistributionCpv0
The minting rate and the distribution of newly-minted CCD among bakers, finalizers, and the foundation account. It must be the case that baking_reward + finalization_reward <= 1. The remaining amount is the platform development charge.
- MintDistributionCpv1
Mint distribution payload as it looks in protocol version 4 and onward.
- MintRate
A minting rate of CCD. The value is
mantissa * 10^(-exponent)
- ModuleRef
A smart contract module reference. This is always 32 bytes long.
- ModuleSourceRequest
Request for getting the source of a smart contract module.
- NewEncryptedAmountEvent
Event generated when an account receives a new encrypted amount.
- NewRelease
A new individual release. Part of a single transfer with schedule transaction.
- NextAccountSequenceNumber
The response for getNextAccountSequenceNumber.
- NextUpdateSequenceNumbers
The response for
- NodeInfo
Node info response Contains various information of the enquired node.
- NodeInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the NodeInfo message type.
- NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo
Consensus info for a node configured with baker keys.
- NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the BakerConsensusInfo message type.
- NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo.Types.ActiveBakerCommitteeInfo
Tagging message type for a node that is configured with baker keys and active in the current baking committee
- NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo.Types.ActiveFinalizerCommitteeInfo
Tagging message type for a node that is configured with baker keys and active in the current finalizer committee (and also baking committee).
- NodeInfo.Types.NetworkInfo
Network related information of the node.
- NodeInfo.Types.Node
The node is a regular node.
- NormalCredentialValues
Values contained in a normal (non-initial) credential.
- Parameter
Parameter to a smart contract initialization or invocation.
- PassiveDelegationInfo
Type for the response of GetPassiveDelegationInfo. Contains information about passive delegators at the end of a given block.
- PeerId
A peer id An identifier that the peer wants to be be recoknized by. The underlying value is simply a u64. Note. There is no authenticity of the peer id and as such it is only used for logging purposes.
- PeerToBan
A peer to ban specified by its IP. Note. This will ban all peers located behind the specified IP even though they are using different ports.
- PeersInfo
Peers and their associated network related statistics
- PeersInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the PeersInfo message type.
- PeersInfo.Types.Peer
A peer that the node is connected to.
- PeersInfo.Types.Peer.Types
Container for nested types declared in the Peer message type.
- PeersInfo.Types.Peer.Types.NetworkStats
Network statistics for the peer
- PendingUpdate
A pending update.
- Policy
Policy on a credential.
- PoolCurrentPaydayInfo
Information about a baker pool in the current reward period.
- PoolInfoRequest
Request for GetPoolInfo.
- PoolInfoResponse
Type for the response of GetPoolInfo. Contains information about a given pool at the end of a given block. From protocol version 7, pool removal has immediate effect, however, the pool may still be present for the current (and possibly next) reward period. In this case, the
field will be set, but theequity_capital
fields will all be absent. Theequity_pending_change
field will also be absent, as stake changes are immediate.
- PoolParametersCpv1
Parameters related to staking pools.
- PoolPendingChange
A pending change to a baker pool.
- PoolPendingChange.Types
Container for nested types declared in the PoolPendingChange message type.
- PoolPendingChange.Types.Reduce
A reduction in baker equity capital is pending.
- PoolPendingChange.Types.Remove
Removal of the pool is pending.
- Port
A port Valid port numbers are expected thus the value is expected to be in the range (0..u16::MAX).
- PreAccountTransaction
An unsigned account transaction. This is used with the
endpoint to obtain the message to sign.
- Queries.QueriesClient
Client for Queries
- QuorumCertificate
A quorum certificate is the certificate that the finalization comittee issues in order to certify a block. A block must be certified before it will be part of the authorative part of the chain.
- QuorumSignature
The signature of a 'QuorumCertificate'.
- Ratio
Represents a ratio, i.e., 'numerator / denominator'.
- ReceiveName
The receive name of a smart contract function. Expected format:
. It must only consist of atmost 100 ASCII alphanumeric or punctuation characters, and must contain a '.'.
- RegisteredData
Data registered on the chain with a register data transaction.
- RejectReason
A reason for why a transaction was rejected. Rejected means included in a block, but the desired action was not achieved. The only effect of a rejected transaction is payment.
- RejectReason.Types
Container for nested types declared in the RejectReason message type.
- Release
An individual release of a locked balance.
- ReleaseSchedule
State of the account's release schedule. This is the balance of the account that is owned by the account, but cannot be used until the release point.
- RewardPeriodLength
Length of a reward period in epochs. Must always be a strictly positive number.
- RootUpdate
Root updates are the highest kind of key updates. They can update every other set of keys, even themselves. They can only be performed by Root level keys.
- Round
A round.
- SequenceNumber
A sequence number that determines the ordering of transactions from the account. The minimum sequence number is 1.
- ServiceReflection
Holder for reflection information generated from v2/concordium/service.proto
- Sha256Hash
A SHA256 hash. This is always 32 bytes long.
- Signature
A single signature. Used when sending block items to a node with
- SignatureMap
A signature on an update instruction. The type
is not used directly, as messages cannot be keys in maps.
- SignatureThreshold
The number of signatures required to sign.
- Slot
A number representing a slot for baking a block.
- StakePendingChange
Pending change to the stake either of a baker or delegator.
- StakePendingChange.Types
Container for nested types declared in the StakePendingChange message type.
- StateHash
Hash of the state after some block. This is always 32 bytes long.
- SuccessorProof
A proof that establishes that the successor block of a 'EpochFinalizationEntry' is the immediate successor of the finalized block.
- TimeParametersCpv1
The time parameters are introduced as of protocol version 4, and consist of the reward period length and the mint rate per payday. These are coupled as a change to either affects the overall rate of minting.
- TimeoutCertificate
A timeout certificate is the certificate that the finalization committee issues when a round times out, thus making it possible for the protocol to proceed to the next round.
- TimeoutParameters
Parameters that determine timeouts in the consensus protocol used from protocol version 6.
- TimeoutSignature
The signature of a 'TimeoutCertificate'.
- Timestamp
Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
- TokenomicsInfo
Type for the response of GetTokenomicsInfo. Contains information related to tokenomics at the end of a given block.
- TokenomicsInfo.Types
Container for nested types declared in the TokenomicsInfo message type.
- TokenomicsInfo.Types.V0
Version 0 tokenomics.
- TokenomicsInfo.Types.V1
Version 1 tokenomics.
- TransactionFeeDistribution
Parameters determining the distribution of transaction fees.
- TransactionHash
Hash of a transaction. This is always 32 bytes long.
- TransactionTime
Transaction time specified as seconds since unix epoch.
- TransferPayload
Payload of a transfer between two accounts.
- TransferWithMemoPayload
Payload of a transfer between two accounts with a memo.
- TypesReflection
Holder for reflection information generated from v2/concordium/types.proto
- UpdateContractPayload
Data required to update a contract instance.
- UpdateDetails
Details of an update instruction. These are free, and we only ever get a response for them if the update is successfully enqueued, hence no failure cases.
- UpdateInstructionPayload
The payload for an UpdateInstruction.
- UpdateKeysIndex
Index of a key in an authorizations update payload.
- UpdateKeysThreshold
The threshold for how many UpdatePublicKeys are need to make a certain chain update.
- UpdatePayload
The payload of a chain update.
- UpdatePublicKey
A public key used for chain updates.
- UpdateSequenceNumber
A sequence number that determines the ordering of update transactions. Equivalent to
for account transactions. Update sequence numbers are per update type and the minimum value is 1.
- VersionedModuleSource
Source bytes of a versioned smart contract module.
- VersionedModuleSource.Types
Container for nested types declared in the VersionedModuleSource message type.
- VersionedModuleSource.Types.ModuleSourceV0
Source bytes of a smart contract v0 module.
- VersionedModuleSource.Types.ModuleSourceV1
Source bytes of a smart contract v1 module.
- WinningBaker
Details of which baker won the lottery in a given round in consensus version 1.
- YearMonth
Representation of the pair of a year and month.
- AccountCredential.CredentialValuesOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "credential_values" oneof.
- AccountIdentifierInput.AccountIdentifierInputOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "account_identifier_input" oneof.
- AccountStakingInfo.StakingInfoOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "staking_info" oneof.
- AccountTransactionEffects.EffectOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "effect" oneof.
- AccountTransactionPayload.PayloadOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "payload" oneof.
- AccountVerifyKey.KeyOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "key" oneof.
- Address.TypeOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "type" oneof.
- BakerEvent.EventOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "event" oneof.
- BlockFinalizationSummary.SummaryOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "summary" oneof.
- BlockHashInput.BlockHashInputOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "block_hash_input" oneof.
- BlockItem.BlockItemOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "block_item" oneof.
- BlockItemStatus.StatusOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "status" oneof.
- BlockItemSummary.DetailsOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "details" oneof.
- BlockSpecialEvent.EventOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "event" oneof.
- BlocksAtHeightRequest.BlocksAtHeightOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "blocks_at_height" oneof.
- ChainParameters.ParametersOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "parameters" oneof.
- ContractTraceElement.ElementOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "element" oneof.
- ContractVersion
Version of smart contract.
- Cooldown.Types.CooldownStatus
The status of a cooldown. When stake is removed from a baker or delegator (from protocol version 7) it first enters the pre-pre-cooldown state. The next time the stake snaphot is taken (at the epoch transition before a payday) it enters the pre-cooldown state. At the subsequent payday, it enters the cooldown state. At the payday after the end of the cooldown period, the stake is finally released.
- CredentialDeployment.PayloadOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "payload" oneof.
- CredentialType
The type of a credential.
- DelegationEvent.EventOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "event" oneof.
- DelegationTarget.TargetOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "target" oneof.
- DryRunErrorResponse.ErrorOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "error" oneof.
- DryRunRequest.RequestOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "request" oneof.
- DryRunResponse.ResponseOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "response" oneof.
- DryRunStateOperation.OperationOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "operation" oneof.
- DryRunStateQuery.QueryOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "query" oneof.
- DryRunSuccessResponse.ResponseOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "response" oneof.
- EpochRequest.EpochRequestInputOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "epoch_request_input" oneof.
- InstanceInfo.VersionOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "version" oneof.
- InvokeInstanceResponse.ResultOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "result" oneof.
- Level1Update.UpdateTypeOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "update_type" oneof.
- NodeInfo.DetailsOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "details" oneof.
- NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo.StatusOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "status" oneof.
- NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo.Types.PassiveCommitteeInfo
The committee information of a node configured with baker keys but somehow the node is not part of the current baking committee.
- NodeInfo.Types.Node.ConsensusStatusOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "consensus_status" oneof.
- OpenStatus
Information about how open the pool is to new delegators.
- PeersInfo.Types.Peer.ConsensusInfoOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "consensus_info" oneof.
- PendingUpdate.EffectOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "effect" oneof.
- PoolPendingChange.ChangeOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "change" oneof.
- ProtocolVersion
The different versions of the protocol.
- RejectReason.ReasonOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "reason" oneof.
- RootUpdate.UpdateTypeOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "update_type" oneof.
- SendBlockItemRequest.BlockItemOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "block_item" oneof.
- StakePendingChange.ChangeOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "change" oneof.
- TokenomicsInfo.TokenomicsOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "tokenomics" oneof.
- TransactionType
The type of transaction.
- UpdateInstructionPayload.PayloadOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "payload" oneof.
- UpdatePayload.PayloadOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "payload" oneof.
- UpdateType
The type of chain update.
- VersionedModuleSource.ModuleOneofCase
Enum of possible cases for the "module" oneof.