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Enum NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo.Types.PassiveCommitteeInfo


The committee information of a node configured with baker keys but somehow the node is not part of the current baking committee.

public enum NodeInfo.Types.BakerConsensusInfo.Types.PassiveCommitteeInfo


[OriginalName("ADDED_BUT_NOT_ACTIVE_IN_COMMITTEE")] AddedButNotActiveInCommittee = 1

The account is registered as a baker but not in the current Epoch. The node is not baking.

[OriginalName("ADDED_BUT_WRONG_KEYS")] AddedButWrongKeys = 2

The node has configured invalid baker keys i.e., the configured baker keys do not match the current keys on the baker account. The node is not baking.

[OriginalName("NOT_IN_COMMITTEE")] NotInCommittee = 0

The node is started with baker keys however it is currently not in the baking committee. The node is not baking.