Function cis0Supports

  • Queries a CIS-0 contract for support for a StandardIdentifier.


    If the query could not be invoked successfully.


    The support result of the query, or undefined if the contract does not support CIS-0.


    • grpcClient: ConcordiumGRPCClient

      The client to be used for the query.

    • contractAddress: ContractAddress

      The address of the contract to query.

    • standardId: string

      The standard identifier to query for support in contract.

    • Optional blockHash: BlockHash

      The hash of the block to query at.

    Returns Promise<SupportResult | undefined>

  • Queries a CIS-0 contract for support for a StandardIdentifier.


    If the query could not be invoked successfully.


    The support results of the query ordered by the ID's supplied by the ids param, or undefined if the contract does not support CIS-0.


    • grpcClient: ConcordiumGRPCClient

      The client to be used for the query.

    • contractAddress: ContractAddress

      The address of the contract to query.

    • standardIds: string[]

      The standard identifiers to query for support in contract.

    • Optional blockHash: BlockHash

      The hash of the block to query at.

    Returns Promise<SupportResult[] | undefined>

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