Deploy a smart contract module#

This guide will show you how to deploy a smart contract module on-chain and how to name it.


Make sure that you are running a node using the latest Concordium software and that you have a smart-contract module ready to be deployed.

Since deploying a smart contract module is done in the form of a transaction, you will also need to have concordium-client setup with an account with enough CCD to pay for the transaction.


The cost of the transaction is dependent on the size of the smart contract module. concordium-client shows the cost and asks for confirmation before it executes any transaction.


To deploy a smart contract module my_module.wasm using the account with name account-name, run the following command:

$concordium-client module deploy my_module.wasm --sender account_name


The –sender option can be omitted if the account “default” is to be used. For brevity, you will do so in the following.

If successful, the output should be similar to the following:

Module successfully deployed with reference: 'd121f262f3d34b9737faa5ded2135cf0b994c9c32fe90d7f11fae7cd31441e86'.

Make note of the module reference as it is used when creating smart contract instances.

See also

For a guide on how to initialize smart contracts from a deployed module see Initialize a smart contract instance.

For more information about module references, see References on-chain.

Naming a module#

A module can be given a local alias, or name, which makes referencing it easier. The name is only stored locally by concordium-client, and is not visible on-chain.

See also

For an explanation of how and where the names and other local settings are stored, see Local settings.

To add a name during deployment, the --name parameter is used. Here, you are naming the module my_deployed_module:

$concordium-client module deploy my_module.wasm --name my_deployed_module

If successful, the output should be similar to the following:

Module successfully deployed with reference: '9eb82a01d96453dbf793acebca0ce25c617f6176bf7a564846240c9a68b15fd2' (my_deployed_module).

Modules can also be named using the name command. To name a deployed module with reference 9eb82a01d96453dbf793acebca0ce25c617f6176bf7a564846240c9a68b15fd2 as some_deployed_module, run the following command:

$concordium-client module name \
          9eb82a01d96453dbf793acebca0ce25c617f6176bf7a564846240c9a68b15fd2 \
          --name some_deployed_module

The output should be similar to the following:

Module reference 9eb82a01d96453dbf793acebca0ce25c617f6176bf7a564846240c9a68b15fd2 was successfully named 'some_deployed_module'.
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