Namespace Concordium.Sdk.Types
- Absolute
Block Height from beginning of chain.
- AbsoluteHeight
Block Height from beginning of chain.
- AccessStructure
And access structure for performing chain updates. The access structure is only meaningful in the context of a list of update keys to which the indices refer to.
- AccountAddress
Represents an account address.
The address of an account is a 32-byte value which uniquely identifies the account.
- AccountBaker
The account is a baker.
- AccountBakerPendingChange
Pending change in the baker's stake.
- AccountBakerReduceStakePending
The stake is being reduced. The new stake will take affect at the given time.
- AccountBakerRemovePending
The baker will be removed at the given time.
- AccountCreationDetails
Details of an account creation. These transactions are free, and we only ever get a response for them if the account is created, hence no failure cases.
- AccountDelegation
The account is delegating stake to a baker.
- AccountInfo
Account information exposed via the node's API. This is always the state of an account in a specific block.
- AccountTransactionDetails
Details of an account transaction. This always has a sender and is paid for, and it might have some other effects on the state of the chain.
- AccountTransfer
A simple account to account transfer occurred possible with a memo.
- ActiveBaker
The node is member of the baking committee.
- ActiveFinalizer
The node is member of the baking and finalization committee.
- AddAnonymityRevokerUpdate
Update to anonymity revoker.
- AddIdentityProviderUpdate
Update to identity provider.
- AddedButNotActiveInCommittee
The baker keys are registered however the baker is not in the committee for the current 'Epoch'.
- AddedButWrongKeys
The node has been configured with baker keys that does not match the account.
- AlreadyABaker
Tried to add baker for an account that already has a baker
- AlreadyADelegator
Tried to add baker for an account that already has a delegator.
- AmountFraction
A fraction of an amount with a precision of
- AmountTooLarge
When one wishes to transfer an amount from A to B but there are not enough funds on account/contract A to make this possible. The data are the from address and the amount to transfer.
- ArInfo
Information on a single anonymity revoker held by the IP. Typically an IP will hold a more than one.
- ArPublicKey
Public key of an anonymity revoker.
- ArrivedBlockInfo
Information about an arrived block that is part of the streaming response.
- AuthorizationsV0
Access structures for each of the different possible chain updates, together with the context giving all the possible keys.
- AuthorizationsV1
Access structures for each of the different possible chain updates, together with the context giving all the possible keys.
- BakerAdded
An account was registered as a baker.
- BakerAddedEvent
Event created when baker was added.
- BakerConfigured
A baker was configured.
- BakerDelegationTarget
Delegate to a specific baker.
- BakerEventDelegationRemoved
An existing delegator was removed.
- BakerInCooldown
The change could not be made because the baker is in cooldown for another change
- BakerInfo
Information about a baker.
- BakerKeysEvent
Result of a successful change of baker keys.
- BakerKeysUpdated
The baker's keys were updated.
- BakerKeysUpdatedEvent
The baker's keys were updated.
- BakerPoolInfo
Additional information about a baking pool. This information is added with the introduction of delegation in protocol version 4.
- BakerPoolPendingChange
Pending change in the baker's stake.
- BakerPoolReduceStakePending
The stake is being reduced. The new stake will take affect at the given time.
- BakerPoolRemovePending
The baker will be removed at the given time.
- BakerPoolStatus
The state of the baker currently registered on the account. Current here means "present". This is the information that is being updated by transactions (and rewards). This is in contrast to "epoch baker" which is the state of the baker that is currently eligible for baking.
- BakerRemoved
An account was deregistered as a baker.
- BakerRemovedEvent
Baker was removed.
- BakerRestakeEarningsUpdated
An account changed its preference for restaking earnings.
- BakerRestakeEarningsUpdatedEvent
Changed if earnings should be restaked.
- BakerSetBakingRewardCommissionEvent
Updated baking reward commission for baker pool
- BakerSetFinalizationRewardCommissionEvent
Updated finalization reward commission for baker pool
- BakerSetMetadataUrlEvent
Updated metadata url for baker pool
- BakerSetOpenStatusEvent
Updated open status for a baker pool
- BakerSetTransactionFeeCommissionEvent
Updated baking reward commission for baker pool
- BakerStakeDecreasedEvent
Stake decreased on baker.
- BakerStakeIncreasedEvent
Stake increased on baker.
- BakerStakeThreshold
Minimum stake needed to become a baker. This only applies to protocol version 1-3.
- BakerStakeThresholdUpdate
Parameters related to becoming a baker that apply to protocol versions 1-3.
- BakerStakeUpdated
If the stake was updated (that is, it changed and did not stay the same) then this is present, otherwise null.
- BakerStakeUpdatedData
Data contained in the transaction response in case a baker stake was updated (either increased or decreased.)
- BakingRewardCommissionNotInRange
Baking reward commission is not in the valid range for a baker
- BakingRewards
Reward issued to all the bakers at the end of an epoch for baking blocks in the epoch.
- Best
Query in the context of the best block.
- BlockAccrueReward
Amounts accrued to accounts for each baked block.
- BlockEnergyLimitUpdate
The block energy limit was updated (chain parameters version 2).
- BlockHash
Represents a block hash.
A block hash is a 32-byte hash of a block and serves as the canonical way of identifying it.
The address is usually provided as a hex encoded string.
- BlockInfo
Metadata about a given block.
- BlockItemSummary
Summary of the outcome of a block item in structured form. The summary determines which transaction type it was.
- BlockReward
Reward for including transactions in a block.
- Bootstrapper
The node is a bootstrapper and does not run the consensus protocol.
- Branch
Response type for GetBranches.
- CapitalBound
A bound on the relative share of the total staked capital that a baker can have as its stake. This is required to be greater than 0.
- ChainParametersV0
Values of chain parameters that can be updated via chain updates. This applies to protocol version 1-3.
- ChainParametersV1
Values of chain parameters that can be updated via chain updates. This applies to protocol version 4 and 5.
- ChainParametersV2
Values of chain parameters that can be updated via chain updates. This applies to protocol version 6 and up.
- CommissionRanges
Ranges of allowed commission values that pools may choose from.
- CommissionRates
The commission rates charged by the pool owner.
- ConcordiumBftDetails
Parameters pertaining to the Concordium BFT consensus.
- ConsensusInfo
Summary of the current state of consensus.
- ConsensusNotRunning
The consensus protocol is not running on the node. This only occurs when the node does not support the protocol on the chain or the node is a 'Bootstrapper'.
- ConsensusPassive
The node is a passive member of the consensus. This means:
- The node is processing blocks.
- The node is relaying transactions and blocks onto the network.
- The node is responding to catch up messages from its peers.
- In particular this means that the node is not baking blocks.
- ContractAddress
Represents a contract address.
A contract is identified by its unique ContractAddress. A contract address consists of a contract index and a contact sub-index both represented as 64-bit unsigned integers.
- ContractEvent
An event generated by a smart contract.
- ContractIdentifier
Contains the identification name of the contract.
- ContractInitialized
A contract was initialized was deployed.
- ContractInitializedEvent
Data generated as part of initializing a single contract instance.
- ContractName
The init name of a smart contract function. Expected format: "init_<contract_name>". It must only consist of at most 100 ASCII alphanumeric or punctuation characters, must not contain a '.' and must start with 'init_'.
- ContractUpdateIssued
A contract update transaction was issued and produced the given traces.
- Cooldown
The stake on the account that is in cooldown.
- CooldownParametersCpv1Update
Update to cooldown parameters with chain parameter version 1.
- CredentialHolderDidNotSign
The credential holder of the keys to be updated did not sign the transaction
- CredentialKeysUpdated
Keys of a specific credential were updated.
- CredentialRegistrationId
A registration ID of a credential. This ID is generated from the user's PRF key and a sequential counter. CredentialRegistrationIDs generated from the same PRF key, but different counter values cannot easily be linked together.
- CredentialsUpdated
Account's credentials were updated.
- CurrentPaydayBakerPoolStatus
Status of the pool in the current reward period.
- DataRegistered
Some data was registered on the chain.
- DelegationAdded
A delegator was added.
- DelegationConfigured
An account configured delegation.
- DelegationEventBakerRemoved
A baker was removed.
- DelegationRemoved
A delegator was removed.
- DelegationSetDelegationTarget
The delegator's delegation target was updated.
- DelegationSetRestakeEarnings
The delegator's restaking setting was updated.
- DelegationStakeDecreased
The delegator's stake decreased.
- DelegationStakeIncreased
The delegator's stake increased.
- DelegationTarget
The target for delegation of stake.
- DelegationTargetNotABaker
Delegation target is not a baker.
- DelegatorInCooldown
Account is not a delegation account.
- Description
Description either of an anonymity revoker or identity provider. Metadata that should be visible on the chain.
- DuplicateAggregationKey
A baker with the given aggregation key already exists
- DuplicateCredIds
Some of the credential IDs already exist or are duplicated in the transaction.
- EffectAddAnonymityRevoker
Adds a new anonymity revoker.
- EffectAddIdentityProvider
Adds a new identity provider.
- EffectBlockEnergyLimit
Updates to the block energy limit for chain parameters version 2.
- EffectCooldownParameters
Updates to cooldown parameters for chain parameters version 1 introduced in protocol version 4.
- EffectElectionDifficulty
Updates to the election difficulty parameter.
- EffectEuroPerEnergy
Updates to the euro:energy exchange rate.
- EffectFinalizationCommitteeParameters
Updates to the finalization committee for for chain parameters version 2.
- EffectFoundationAccount
Updates to the foundation account.
- EffectGasRewards
Updates to the GAS rewards.
- EffectGasRewardsCpv2
Updates to the GAS rewards effective from protocol version 6 (chain parameters version 2).
- EffectLevel1Keys
Updates to the level 1 keys.
- EffectLevel2KeysCpv0
Updates to the level 2 keys.
- EffectLevel2KeysCpv1
Updates to the level 2 keys.
- EffectMicroCcdPerEnergy
Updates to the CCD:EUR exchange rate.
- EffectMinBlockTime
Updates to the the minimum time between blocks for chain parameters version 2.
- EffectMintDistributionCpv0
Updates to the mint distribution. Is only relevant prior to protocol version 4.
- EffectMintDistributionCpv1
The mint distribution was updated. Introduced in protocol version 4.
- EffectPoolParametersCpv0
Updates baker stake threshold. Is only relevant prior to protocol version 4.
- EffectPoolParametersCpv1
Updates pool parameters. Introduced in protocol version 4.
- EffectProtocol
Protocol updates.
- EffectRootKeys
Updates to the root keys.
- EffectTimeParameters
Updates to time parameters for chain parameters version 1 introduced in protocol version 4.
- EffectTimeoutParameters
Updates to the consensus timeouts for chain parameters version 2.
- EffectTransactionFeeDistribution
Updates to the transaction fee distribution.
- ElectionDifficulty
Election difficulty parameter.
- ElectionDifficultyUpdate
Representation of the election difficulty as parts per
. The election difficulty is never more than1
- EncryptedAmountRemovedEvent
Event generated when one or more encrypted amounts are consumed from the account.
- EncryptedAmountSelfTransfer
Account tried to transfer an encrypted amount to itself, that's not allowed.
- EncryptedAmountTransferred
An encrypted amount was transferred possible with memo.
- EncryptedSelfAmountAddedEvent
An account transferred part of its public balance to its encrypted balance.
- EntryPoint
Entry point on a smart contract.
- EuroPerEnergyUpdate
Exchange rate for euro pr. energy.
- FinalizationCommitteeParameters
Finalization committee parameters. These parameters control which bakers are in the finalization committee.
- FinalizationCommitteeParametersUpdate
Finalization committee parameters (chain parameters version 2).
- FinalizationRewardCommissionNotInRange
Finalization reward commission is not in the valid range for a baker
- FinalizationRewards
Distribution of finalization rewards.
- FinalizationSummary
Summary of the finalization record in a block, if any.
- FinalizationSummaryParty
Details of a party in a finalization.
- FinalizedBlockInfo
Information about a finalized block that is part of the streaming response.
- FirstScheduledReleaseExpired
The first scheduled release in a transfer with schedule has already expired
- FoundationAccountUpdate
Update of the foundation account.
- GasRewards
The reward fractions related to the gas account and inclusion of special transactions for chain parameters version 0 and 1.
- GasRewardsCpv2
The reward fractions related to the gas account and inclusion of special transactions. Introduce for protocol version 6.
- GasRewardsCpv2Update
The reward fractions related to the gas account and inclusion of special transactions. Introduce for protocol version 6.
- GasRewardsUpdate
The reward fractions related to the gas account and inclusion of special transactions.
- Given
Query in the context of a specific block hash.
- Hash
Represents a 32-byte hash.
- HigherLevelKeys
Either root or level1 access structure. They all have the same structure, keys and a threshold. The enum type parameter is used for to distinguish different access structures in different contexts.
- InstanceInfoV0
Version 0 smart contract instance information.
- InstanceInfoV1
Version 1 smart contract instance information.
- InsufficientBalanceForBakerStake
The amount on the account was insufficient to cover the proposed stake
- InsufficientBalanceForDelegationStake
The amount on the account was insufficient to cover the proposed stake.
- InsufficientDelegationStake
Delegation stake when adding a delegator was 0.
- Interrupted
A contract was interrupted. This occurs when a contract invokes another contract or makes a transfer to an account.
- InvalidAccountReference
Account does not exist.
- InvalidAccountThreshold
When the account threshold is updated, it must not exceed the amount of existing keys
- InvalidContractAddress
Contract instance does not exist.
- InvalidCredentialKeySignThreshold
When the credential key threshold is updated, it must not exceed the amount of existing keys
- InvalidCredentials
At least one of the credentials was either malformed or its proof was incorrect.
- InvalidEncryptedAmountTransferProof
Proof for an encrypted amount transfer did not validate.
- InvalidIndexOnEncryptedTransfer
The provided index is below the start index or above
startIndex + length incomingAmounts
- InvalidInitMethod
Reference to a non-existing contract init method.
- InvalidModuleReference
Reference to a non-existing module.
- InvalidProof
Proof that the baker owns relevant private keys is not valid.
- InvalidReceiveMethod
Reference to a non-existing contract receive method.
- InvalidTransferToPublicProof
Proof for a secret to public transfer did not validate.
- IpCdiVerifyKey
Ed25519 public key of the identity provider.
- IpInfo
Public information about an identity provider.
- IpVerifyKey
Pointcheval-Sanders public key of the identity provider.
- KeyIndexAlreadyInUse
Attempted to add an account key to a key index already in use
- LastFinal
Query in the context of the last finalized block at the time of the query.
- Level1
An update with level 1 keys of either level 1 or level 2 keys.
- Level1Keys
Level1 Keys
- Level1KeysUpdate
Level 1 key update.
- Level2KeysUpdate
Level 2 keys update with chain parameter version 0.
- Level2KeysUpdateV1
Level 2 keys update with chain parameter version 1.
- MicroCcdPerEuroUpdate
Exchange rate for micro ccd pr. euro.
- MinBlockTimeUpdate
The minimum time between blocks was updated (chain parameters version 2).
- Mint
Distribution of newly minted CCD.
- MintDistributionCpv0
Mint distribution that applies to protocol versions 1-3 with chain parameters version 0.
- MintDistributionCpv0Update
Mint distribution that applies to protocol versions 1-3 with chain parameters version 0.
- MintDistributionCpv1
Mint distribution parameters that apply to protocol version 4 and up.
- MintDistributionCpv1Update
Mint distribution parameters that apply to protocol version 4 and up. with chain parameters version 1.
- MissingBakerAddParameters
A configure baker transaction is missing one or more arguments in order to add a baker.
- MissingDelegationAddParameters
A configure delegation transaction is missing one or more arguments in order to add a delegator.
- ModuleDeployed
A module was deployed.
- ModuleHashAlreadyExists
Module Hash Already Exists
- ModuleNotWf
Error raised when validating the Wasm module.
- ModuleReference
A reference to a smart contract module deployed on the chain.
- ModuleV0
Version 0 module source.
- ModuleV1
Version 1 module source.
- NetworkInfo
The network information of a node.
- NewEncryptedAmountEvent
Event generated when an account receives a new encrypted amount.
- Node
The node is a regular node and is eligible for running the consensus protocol.
- NodeInfo
The status of the requested node.
- NonExistentCredIds
A credential id that was to be removed is not part of the account.
- NonExistentCredentialId
Encountered credential ID that does not exist
- NonIncreasingSchedule
The transfer with schedule has a non strictly increasing schedule
- None
No effects other than payment from this transaction. The rejection reason indicates why the transaction failed.
- NotABaker
Tried to remove a baker for an account that has no baker
- NotADelegator
Account is not a delegation account.
- NotAllowedMultipleCredentials
Account is not allowed to have multiple credentials because it contains a non-zero encrypted transfer.
- NotAllowedToHandleEncrypted
The account is not allowed to send encrypted transfers (or transfer from/to public to/from encrypted)
- NotAllowedToReceiveEncrypted
The account is not allowed to receive encrypted transfers because it has multiple credentials.
- NotInCommittee
The node has been configured with baker keys however it is not currently baking and possilby never will.
- OnChainData
Represents data to be stored or that was stored on-chain as part of a transaction.
This can be any data which is at most MaxLength bytes, but the convention is to use CBOR encoded data.
- OutOfEnergy
We ran of out energy to process this transaction.
- Parameter
Parameter to the init function or entrypoint.
- PassiveDelegationStatus
State of the passive delegation pool. Changes to delegation, e.g., an account deciding to delegate are reflected in this structure at first.
- PassiveDelegationTarget
Delegate passively, i.e., to no specific baker.
- PaydayAccountReward
Payment for a particular account. When listed in a block summary, the delegated pool of the account is given by the last PaydayPoolReward outcome included before this outcome.
- PaydayFoundationReward
Payment for the foundation.
- PaydayPoolReward
Payment distributed to a pool or passive delegators.
- PeerVersion
The version of the node in semantic format.
- PendingUpdate
A pending update.
- PoolClosed
The pool is not open to delegators.
- PoolParameters
Parameters related to staking pools. This applies to protocol version 4 and up.
- PoolParametersCpv1Update
Update to pool- and delegation parameters.
- PoolWouldBecomeOverDelegated
The amount would result in pool with a too high fraction of delegated capital.
- ProtocolUpdate
A generic protocol update. This is essentially an announcement of the update. The details of the update will be communicated in some off-chain way, and bakers will need to update their node software to support the update.
- ProtocolVersionExtension
Extension methods for Protocol Version
- ReceiveName
A receive name of the contract function called. Expected format: "<contract_name>.<func_name>". The name must not exceed 100 bytes and all characters are ascii alphanumeric or punctuation.
- ReduceStakePending
The baker will be removed at the end of the given time.
- RejectedInit
Rejected due to contract logic in init function of a contract.
- RejectedReceive
Rejected due to contract logic in receive function of a contract.
- Relative
Query relative to an explicit genesis index.
- RelativeHeight
Query relative to an explicit genesis index.
- Release
An individual release of a locked balance.
- ReleaseSchedule
State of the account's release schedule. This is the balance of the account that is owned by the account, but cannot be used until the release point.
- RemoveFirstCredential
Attempt to remove the first credential
- RemoveStakePending
The stake is being reduced. The new stake will take affect in the given time.
- Resumed
A previously interrupted contract was resumed.
- RewardOverviewBase
Information about the state of the CCD distribution at a particular time. Reward data common to both V0 and V1 rewards.
- RewardOverviewV0
Reward Overview version 0. Only exists for protocol versions 1, 2, and 3.
- RewardOverviewV1
Reward Overview version 1.
- RootKeys
Root Keys
- RootKeysUpdate
Root key update.
- RootUpdate
An update with root keys of some other set of governance keys, or the root keys themselves.
- RuntimeFailure
Runtime exception occurred when running either the init or receive method.
- ScheduledSelfTransfer
Account tried to transfer with schedule to itself, that's not allowed.
- SchemaType
Smart contract schema type. This represents a single type as part of a smart contract module schema, and allows for converting structure data, such as JSON, from and to the binary representation used by a smart contract.
- SerializationFailure
Serialization of the body failed.
- Sha256Hash
A Sha256 with no specific meaning.
- StakeOverMaximumThresholdForPool
The amount would result in pool capital higher than the maximum threshold.
- StakeUnderMinimumThresholdForBaking
The amount provided is under the threshold required for becoming a baker
- StateHash
Hash of the block state that is included in a block.
- TimeParameters
The time parameters are introduced as of protocol version 4, and consist of the reward period length and the mint rate per payday. These are coupled as a change to either affects the overall rate of minting.
- TimeParametersCpv1Update
Update to mint rate pr day and reward period length.
- TimeoutParameters
Parameters that determine timeouts in the consensus protocol used from protocol version 6.
- TimeoutParametersUpdate
The consensus timeouts were updated (chain parameters version 2).
- TransactionFeeCommissionNotInRange
Transaction fee commission is not in the valid range for a baker
- TransactionFeeDistribution
Update the transaction fee distribution to the specified value.
- TransactionFeeDistributionUpdate
Update the transaction fee distribution to the specified value.
- TransactionHash
Represents a transaction hash.
- TransactionStatusCommitted
Transaction is committed to one or more blocks. The outcomes are listed for each block. Note that in the vast majority of cases the outcome of a transaction should not be dependent on the block it is in, but this can in principle happen.
- TransactionStatusFinalized
Transaction is finalized in the given block, with the given summary.
- TransactionStatusReceived
Transaction is received, but not yet in any blocks.
- TransactionTime
Transaction time specified as seconds since unix epoch.
- TransactionTypeFactory
Helper for constructing transaction type structures.
- Transferred
A contract transferred an amount to the account.
- TransferredToEncrypted
An account transferred part of its public balance to its encrypted balance.
- TransferredToPublic
An account transferred part of its encrypted balance to its public balance.
- TransferredWithSchedule
A transfer with schedule was performed possible with a memo.
- UpdateDetails
Details of an update instruction. These are free, and we only ever get a response for them if the update is successfully enqueued, hence no failure cases.
- UpdatePayloadFactory
Helper for constructing update payload structures.
- UpdatePublicKey
A single public key that can sign updates.
- Updated
A contract instance was updated.
- Upgraded
Contract was upgraded.
- Utf8Json
Holds a uft8 encoded JSON structure.
- VersionedModuleSchema
Module schema embedded within VersionedModuleSource.
- VersionedModuleSource
Contains source code of a versioned module where inherited classes are concrete versions.
- VersionedModuleSourceFactory
Crates a VersiondModuleSource.
- ZeroScheduledAmount
The transfer with schedule is going to send 0 tokens
- AccountCredentialIndex
Represents an account credential index.
An account has one or more credentials, each identified by a unique byte-value referred to as its credential index.
- AccountIndex
Index of the account in the account table. These are assigned sequentially in the order of creation of accounts. The first account has index 0.
- AccountKeyIndex
Represents an account key index.
An account has one or more credentials, each identified by a unique credential index (modeled by AccountCredentialIndex).
For each credential the account may have up to 255 keys, where each such key is identified by another unique byte-value referred to as its account key index. This index is relative to the credential index of the credential to which it belongs. Thus a pair of a credential index of the account and the key index of a key belonging to the corresponding credential uniquely identifies that key.
- AccountSequenceNumber
Represents an account sequence number.
The account sequence number is a 64-bit unsigned integer specific to an account and used when submitting account transactions for that account to the node. The account sequence number is maintained as on-chain state and is incremented with each finalized transaction. The next sequence number to be used in a transaction can be queried with GetNextAccountSequenceNumber(AccountAddress, CancellationToken).
- AccountThreshold
The minimum number of credentials that need to sign any transaction coming from an associated account.
- ArIdentity
Identity of the anonymity revoker on the chain. This defines their evaluation point for secret sharing, and thus it cannot be 0.
- BakerId
Internal short id of the baker.
- CcdAmount
Represents a CCD amount.
Note that 1_000_000 µCCD is equal to 1 CCD.
- CredentialsPerBlockLimit
Limit on the number of credential deployments in a block. Since credential deployments create accounts, this is in effect a limit on the number of accounts that can be created in a block.
- DelegatorId
Internal short id of the delegator.
- EnergyAmount
Represents an amount of energy.
- Epoch
Epoch number
- ExchangeRate
An exchange rate between two quantities. This is never 0, and the exchange rate should also never be infinite.
- Expiry
Represents an expiration time for a transaction.
A transaction can not be included in a block if its expiration time is before the block (slot) time.
- IpIdentity
A succinct identifier of an identity provider on the chain. In credential deployments, and other interactions with the chain this is used to identify which identity provider is meant.
- LeverageFactor
The amount of leverage that a baker can get from delegation. A leverage factor of 1 means that a baker does not gain anything from delegation.
- MintRate
Rate of creation of new CCDs. For example, A value of
would mean an increase of 5 percent per unit of time. This value does not specify the time unit, and this differs based on the protocol version.The representation is base-10 floating point number representation. The value is
mantissa * 10^(-exponent)
- PayloadSize
Represents a payload size.
- Ratio
A ratio between two
integers.It should be safe to assume the denominator is not zero and that numerator and denominator are coprime.
- RewardPeriodLength
Length of a reward period in epochs. Must always be a strictly positive integer.
- Round
Round number. Applies to protocol 6 and onward.
- UpdateKeysIndex
An identifier of a key that can sign update instructions. A signature of an update instruction is a collection of signatures. An UpdateKeysIndex identifies keys that correspond to the signatures.
- UpdateKeysThreshold
A lower bound on the number of signatures needed to sign a valid update message of a particular type. This is never 0.
- IAccountDelegationPendingChange
Interface covering account delegation pending changes.
- IAccountIdentifier
An account identifier used in queries.
- IAccountStakingInfo
Information related to staking for a specific account.
- IAccountTransactionEffects
Effects of an account transactions. All variants apart from None correspond to a unique transaction that was successful.
- IAddress
A interface implemented by addresses like Account- and Contract address.
- IBakerEvent
Events that may result from the ConfigureBaker transaction.
- IBlockHashInput
A block identifier used in queries.
- IBlockHeight
Interface which covers block heights and can be mapped into gRPC block height request types.
- IBlockItemSummaryDetails
Details of a block item summary, split by the kind of block item it is for.
- IChainParameters
Chain parameters.
- IContractTraceElement
A successful contract invocation produces a sequence of effects on smart contracts and possibly accounts (if any contract transfers CCD to an account).
- IDelegationEvent
Events that may happen as a result of the ConfigureDelegation transaction.
- IEffect
The effect of the update.
- IInstanceInfo
Information about an existing smart contract instance.
- ILevel1
An update with level 1 keys of either level 1 or level 2 keys. Each of the updates must be a separate transaction.
- INodeConsensusStatus
Details of the consensus protocol running on the node.
- INodeDetails
Consensus related information for a node.
- IRejectReason
Common interface for reject reasons. The user can with a switch statement determine the type and act on it. See example.
- IRootUpdate
An update with root keys of some other set of governance keys, or the root keys themselves. Each update is a separate transaction.
- ISpecialEvent
In addition to the user initiated transactions the protocol generates some events which are deemed "Special outcomes". These are rewards for running the consensus and finalization protocols.
- ITransactionStatus
A common return type for TransactionStatus.
- IUpdatePayload
The type of an update payload.
- BakerPoolOpenStatus
The status of the baker pool in regards to delegations.
- ContractName.ValidationError
Validation error of contract name.
- ContractVersion
Smart Contract Module version.
- CooldownStatus
The status of a cooldown.
- CredentialType
Enumeration of the types of credentials.
- ModuleSchemaVersion
Represents the different module schema versions.
- ProtocolVersion
An enumeration of the supported versions of the consensus protocol.
- ReceiveName.ValidationError
Validation error of receive name.
- TransactionType
Types of account transactions.
- UpdateType
The type of an update.